11/10/2024: New Reviews TIMES Two
The math is me is strong. It's in the name. Nevertheless ...
I discovered this past week that a review of Burke's Lore Briefs #2:"Portrait of a Lady Vampire & Other Vampiric Cravings" appeared on the Paranormal Romance Guild blog. Honestly, not a place I existed to find myself, but I'm excited to be there!
The "times two" is because the review was picked up by Liminal Fiction.
Here's a highlight:
I was very surprised and pleased by the masterful way Christopher Burke is able to draw the reader into the story, create a depth of emotion, and then wrap it up with a nice bow in such a short amount of words. I greatly enjoyed the flow and style of his writing, and the characters that he has created. Four stars.
Please, read the review. It's not a spoiler, I hope, to say that the reviewer enjoyed "Vampiric Cravings" the best.
I love the feedback. I had another reader tell me why they enjoyed "Lord Matthias" the best. What gold I could mine from that is that everyone has didn't preferences for what makes a good story.
I'll also point out that there is a bonus story in the book, "Last Dawn", that appears in In A Flash 2020. The review didn't mention it. Likewise, another review of "A Heavenly Date / My Damned Best Friend" doesn't mentioned "My Own Personal Hell" from A Bucket Full of Moonlight. Both stories are complete. I may have to rethink my "bonus story" policy. I wonder if people skip them like previews for new books.
11/07/2024: The First Issue of BURKE'S LORE BITES was Mailed Out
If you're on my mailing list, you should have received the inaugural issue of Burke's Lore Bites, containing the recent news and the bonus story that I promised
to the people who signed up to receive mailings in the first place. If you haven't received one, send me an email. The system isn't automated. I'm doing it myself for the time being.
10/27/2024: News of TWO Books
Book 1 of 2 News:
A Little Fantasy Everywhere is now on Amazon in paperback, although the cover image isn't loading.
I have a story, "What You Needed", in this.
There will be a launch party at Philcon next month.
Book News 2 of 2:
42 Stories Anthology Presents: Book of 42² popped up on Amazon but it won't be released until next month.
It's 42 micro stories of 42 words in 42 categories by 42² authors. I'm 2 of them (writing under 1 pen name). If you like microfiction, check out the ebook.
If you like coffee table books, go for the print edition!
10/13/2024: World Fantasy Convention 2024 at Niagara Falls Next Weekend
From Thursday through Sunday, I'll be at the World Fantasy Convention in Niagara Falls, NY. As of this notice, I'm not on any panels, but I will be part
of the mass Autograph Session on Friday night. I'll have plenty of books to purchase and sign. Stop on by!
10/04/2024: A Little Fantasy Everywhere is Now Available on Amazon
The light-hearted fantasy anthology "A Little Fantasy Everywhere", from Jersey Pines Ink,
is available now on Amazon.. This collection contains my flash story, "What You Needed", which was a fun story to write.
The link is https://www.amazon.com/Little-Fantasy-Everywhere-Beverly-Haaf-ebook/dp/B0DJ685NQQ.
09/28/2024: Exclusive Interview with Paul Semel
Earlier this month, I was interviewed by Paul Semel about A Bucket Full of Moonlight.
The interview is on his his page.
Check it out!
In other news, my flash story "Death's Last Man" was published in issue #5 of the comic "Deadweights", published by Ahoy Comics. My story is text with an illustration, not a comic story.
09/01/2024: A Bucket Full of Moonlight is Now Available!
This is a reprint announcement. I updated this page, but the announcement is now here. Did I not click "Save Changes"? I have no way of knowning.
But it any event,
A Bucket Full of Moonlight is now available for purchase on Amazon!
In other news, my flash story "Death's Last Man" was published in issue #5 of the comic "Deadweights", published by Ahoy Comics. My story is text with an illustration, not a comic story.
08/18/2024: Achievement Unlocked: Copies of A Bucket Full of Moonlight are Signed!
A LOT has been going on lately. Sorry that I haven't been sharing as much as I could as often as I should!
For starters, yesterday I was at a signing party where several authors from the recent Kickstarter event got together to sign the books for those people who backed the campaign. And I got my author copies of
A Bucket Full of Moonlight
along with the extras that I purchased for myself.
These books will go on sale on Amazon starting in September, just two weeks away!
In other news, my flash story "Death's Last Man" was published in issue #5 of the comic "Deadweights", published by Ahoy Comics. My story is text with an illustration, not a comic story.
07/27/2024: Burke's Lore Briefs 3: I See What You'll Do There is Out Now
As the title says, the newest entry in the BURKE'S LORE BRIEFS series is now available as a
paperback or ebook.
And it's available in Kindle Unlimited.
A little late, but today, Saturday, July 27, 2024, Burke's Lore Briefs Vol 1: A Heavenly Date
is FREE to celebrate the new book's release!
07/18/2024: COVER REVEAL! Burke's Lore Briefs 3: I See What You'll Do There!
The third entry in the BURKE'S LORE BRIEFS series will be available on Thursday, July 25, 2024. Here is a sneak peek at the cover. (Some modifications might
happen before then.) And it's available for pre-order. Click on the image below!
07/03/2024: AHOY! New Story Purchased!
First, my apologies to what few readers I have, but the Kickstarter for my new book, A Bucket Full of Moonlight
took place this past month. It just ended. It funded with lots and lots of extras and freebies. This makes me happy. I wish there were more of you here to enjoy the news.
Second, Comics Ahoy purchased a story from me that will be published last this year. And I can mention it because I not only signed the contract, but I also got paid.
And I will say that it's the best payday I've received since I sold an article to Mad Magazine. (It was nowhere near what I made for Mad, just saying, but it was the best per word rate that
I'll get for a long time to come.)
More about this story when the issue comes out. I can't wait to see my story in a comic. That's something new for me!
When it rains, it pours with the news. Also, ALWAYS check your Spam Folder. I went looking for anything relating to "submission" or "story" that might've been
sent there by accident. As luck would have it, there was an email from an editor from two days prior. The editor had used a different email address and the message included two
links, so hotmail decided that it must be spam. Those two links were to a digital copy of Sci-Fi Lampoon Magazine, Spring 2024 and to the site where the book (and
the magazine is thick enough to be a book) can be purchased!
Let's get that out of the way first. Their page is SciFi Lampoon dot com.
And that issue contains some wonderful stuff, as seen in these images below:
05/18/2024: Story excerpt on Substack: "Familiar Feeling"
A con report is coming -- and, yes, it should've been here a week ago, at least -- but in the meantime, check out a story excerpt on my Substack.
The lead-off story in "In A Flash 2020" by Christopher J. Burke (eSpec Books) takes place at the Carrowmore School for Magic and Wizardry, somewhere north of New York City. Second year students summon their first familiars. Or attempt to, at any rate. What the results will be, who can say?
But it's a Familiar Feeling.
I received the news this week that A Bucket Full of Moonlight is listed on Amazon
and is available for pre-sale. The page says that the ebook will be available September 1, 2024.
And there's already a page for the book on Good Reads.
04/21/2024: Heliosphere Schedule, Piscatway, NJ, May 3-5, 2024!
11:30 am - 12:45 pm - Boardroom A
The Myth of Writer's Block
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm - Salon D (Dealers Room) (and Salon A Flex Space if needed for overflow)
Group autograph sessions (if signing requested)
4:00 pm - 5:15 pm - Boardroom A
Sci-Fi and Fantasy Readings (you are sharing this block with 3 others)
5:30 pm - 6:45 pm - Salon E
My Disbelief Can Go But So Far...
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm - Salon C
One, Two, Three, Many!
04/14/2024: Title and Cover Reveal!
I have been teasing a full book of Burke's Lore and after a long non-chicken-counting phase, I am happy and proud to announce that the book will be happening!
The title of the book will be A Bucket Full of Moonlight and it takes its name from one of the 30 stories within. Is it the best of the stories?
That's for you to decide. But I thought it the best title to encompass the spirit of the entire book.
I love the image (on the right) and think it captures the essence of the book. I cannot wait for it to join the other images on the top of this page.
It will have science fiction, fantasy, spaceships, magic, superheroes and comedy.
It will not be sporting the Burke's Lore logo because it's a different publishing company, and we don't want to cause confusion with the books. (I
kind of brought this on myself with the self-publishing.) Nonetheless, I'll still be referring to it privately as "Burke's Lore", because, technically, it is. I'm Burke and this is
my lore.
More details as they are available!
04/07/2024: Burke's Lore #2: Portrait of a Lady Vampire & Other Vampiric Cravings is Out Now!
My apologies for not posting the Cover Reveal, which made it onto Facebook and Twitter. The only reasons I can give for my lapse are that this page
isn't the easiest thing in the world for me to maintain, along with the fact that few, in anybody, actually reads it. (No one has ever actually told me that they had.)
The new book contains three stories. The title story previously appeared in the now defunct Daily Science Fiction. The other two started life as writing prompt
responses that were much, much shorter than the file product.
And, like last time, there is a bonus story: "Last Dawn" from In A Flash 2020.
Here is the link:https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CWGVCGY5, or click on the image at the top of the page.
And thank you always for your support.
03/27/2024: Burke's Lore #2: Coming in April!
The stories are complete. The book is being set. The cover is on its way.
After a few real-world delays, and possibly some unrealistic expectations, Burke's Lore Briefs #2: Portrait of a Lady Vampire & Other Vampiric Cravings
is close to publication. I was hoping that I could make it in March, but with only four days remaining and Easter weekend coming, that doesn't seem likely.
Better to do it right than to do it quickly.
But I still wanted to share the some news.
03/13/2024: NEW Story in Short Beasts Flash Fiction Literary Magazine
A new story "On My Shoulders", not based on any prompts, nor previously published, was posted today on
Short Beasts Literary Magazine.
The link is https://www.shortbeasts.com/flash-fiction/on-my-shoulders/
This is a case study in why "gentle reminders" are a good thing. The initial blurb I read for Short Beasts stated that they may take up to five months to respond.
After 160 days or so (according to my Excel spreadsheet), I emailed the editor to ask it the story was still under consideration or if I'd missed an email. I received a polite response a few
hours later stating that my story was read and that they wanted to publish it (with a minor change, which definitely improved the piece), and here it is!
I'm hoping for a good year. In other news, I signed the contract for an anthology that will be happening later this year. And I have a story coming up in a future issue of
Science Fiction Lampoon. So that's this credits in this one calendar year (not counting self-publishing and a recent reprint). That's a record for me!
02/23/2024: Story in Free Flash Fiction
My story "A Sliver of Pi" from In A Flash 2020 (eSpec Books) was re-published today at Free Flash Fiction today.
The link is https://freeflashfiction.com/fiction/a-sliver-of-pi/
02/20/2024: Substack
People say I need a Substack. So I got a Substack
The link is https://christopherjburke.substack.com/
01/21/2024: Mailing List!
NEW! Join my Mailing List!. Write "ADD ME" in the body of the text.
This is something I wanted to try out. Warning: It is not automated, so it may
take a day before you get a response. All names on the account remain confidential and will not be shared or sold. Beta.
01/19/2024: HAPPY NEW YEAR! I have my Author Copies of Burke's Lore Briefs #1!
First, an update on my Free Book day: 28 people bought the ebook for free, and I got one review on Amazon from "Ken". Surprisingly (to me), I've sold more paperbacks than I have ebooks,
excluding freebies. And I know at least two people who got their copies of my book before I did -- free shipping is a wonderful thing, but it isn't available with author copies. I had to wait.
That brings me to this picture, which I actually posted on social media a week ago.
I almost didn't buy them, but I'm happy now that I did. And I've already sold several to coworkers. I have to love my Math Department colleagues.
Sorry for the last-minute notice, but as a gift to all who have found this page, today only, my newest ebook, my first self-published ebook, will be FREE
to download from Amazon.com.
All I ask is that you read it -- it's short, so it doesn't have to go to the back of your digital TBR pile -- and, if you enjoy it, consider leaving a review or rating or Amazon or Good Reads.
You can even comment directly to me on social media. I'm (at)mrburkemath on most of the platforms that I'm on. (I'm u/xwhy on reddit.)
Thank you for downloading. Thank you for your support.
12/14/2023: BOOK LAUNCH
I self-published a mini-book, which is something that people have been telling me that I should do. This is not the book that
I've been working on for a couple years now. That book is going to be called Burke's Lore, with a subtitle to be revealed at a later time.
This book is the first in a series of short stories, about 6000 - 8000 words, and will sell as an ebook for 99 cents. Amazon let me add a paperback for no set-up cost, so I did. If you want a physical book, it'll cost $4.00 plus shipping, unless you find me at a convention and save the shipping.
Here are the images of the covers:
First lesson learned: an ebook only needs a front cover, but a paperback needs a wraparound cover. When I uploaded the same image, Amazon's program zoomed in on it. It didn't look bad, but the text was mostly missing. So I uploaded the image without the text and used their programming to add the title and back cover text.
Next time, I'll double the size of the image so I have a back and a front cover, even if the back is just grey or light blue or something.
More lessons to be learned in coming days, like, don't screw up the author name. It didn't include my middle initial on one version, which isn't a big deal, except that Good Reads now thinks that the two versions were written by two different people. Something to keep an eye on in the future.
Finally, these books are live, and you can buy them. It's 99 cents for the ebook (FREE in Kindle Unlimited) and $4.00 plus shipping for the paperback. If you enjoy them, please leave a rating, review or feedback on Amazon, Good Reads or anywhere on social media. Thank you in advance.
12/14/2023: Another Anthology
I received an email that I will be in another anthology, hopefully to be published mid-2024. Since no contracts have been signed, I don't wish to say much about it because I don't want to 'jinx"
anything. But I will say that it was a flash fiction story of about 1,000 words, which will appear with other stories of similar length although I don't know how many.
12/06/2023: RIP Stephen P. Burke
My brother Stephen passed away this week. It was unexpected. He was being treated for a different medical issue. Then he went into cardiac arrest. He never woke up again. He was 72.
How do you remember a life is a few paragraphs? Stephen was my second-oldest brother in a large Irish family. My earliest memories of him are when he went away to Iona College but would be home on the weekends.
I had his bed during the week. Stephen loved his comic books. He bought many and passed them down to his brothers. He liked to write, draw and act. It makes me wonder where I got all that from. He starred in a number of
productions at Iona College, including The Man Who Came to Dinner, where he seemed to have drawn a lot of inspiration from my father.
If Stephen's writing was published in college, that's all lost to me. The only stories of his that I know of were the ones I published myself in Driving Tigers Magazine. In fact, his second story was so
big that I had to make a fifth issue of the magazine just to include it in two parts. DTM was going to cease publication after one year because I didn't get enough subscritions for a second year.
My other memories, of course, are chess. Stephen tried to teach me before I was even in kindergarten (or so it seems) but I obviously couldn't master the game at his level. I couldn't even tell you what his
level actually was, or how far ahead he could see my moves. In recent months, he told me that he has collectible chess pieces in his apartment, and he wanted to be sure that nothing happened to them.
Stephen will be missed. And assuming that I get my second book published, my third book, whatever it is, will be dedicated to him.
Good-night, Steve. I'll see you again.
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